Saturday, March 20, 2010

Testing, testing...

Oh man....just spent an hour posting great pics, recording my thoughts, links all highlighted and PUFF! Not even in edit section. Something about cookies? I don't even know what a cookie is?
So here is a great pic of a cool thing......until tomorrow....I hope my cookies repair themselves tonight!


Debbie said...

You make me laugh and I needed one this morning. I am with you on the cookies....turn off the oven and forget it! Computers have a mind of their own and they do not think the way we do for sure. Hope you have better luck next time.

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

I'm not sure about cookies either no matter how many times DS explains them to me,LOL. I think they are trails left when you visit anywhere online. They cause paths to your visits or something. DS said they are nothing to worry about but you can remove them if you want. Too much time wasted to remove in my opinion.Love the plant.

JodyC said...

Very cool plant, what is it?