Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Monday.....

Long, busy week and weekend. I have nothing to show and since I am like most bloggers, I prefer posts with pics!. I played with this cool image of telephone poles along a railroad track in nearby Darien. I don't really know what I did to get this negative image but I like it. It will represent a moment of creativity!

My computer caught a nasty virus called the AVE virus. Pam's husband, Jim, spent many hours trying to get rid of it for me. BUT the bugger was hiding somewhere and was back at it shortly after I turned it on. Luckily we have a computer guy down the road that worked on it yesterday (yes, on Sunday!). So far so good. I am pretty attached to this internet neighborhood. So many good friends in my little laptop world!

I have learned:

  1. How to type #'s and !?.@ etc. using cell phone key pad without scrolling to Symbols and 123 for numbers. 
  2. Pearl Street Grill for the nuptials...Melissa & Cory 10-15-11!
  3. NOW how do I spell check? Not on Blogger header and not in my browser bar.Ugh
  4. Citizen Cope, The Clarence Greenwood Recordings...really good. World Cafe on NPR last Friday.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Download the google tool has spellcheck.