Sunday, December 22, 2013


The weekend was all about Mela! I brought her home Saturday, to give Dave and Melissa some time to go out for her birthday and be adult! They had a great time, as did I! Mela is a dream. I was so excited to have Uncle Michael & Aunt Jenn meet her on Saturday. We met up at Barnes & Noble for the debut. Michael was enamored with her. A meal shared at Tully's made the reunion complete. It is wonderful to know that Michael is in town. I do miss him. Jenn is feeling pregnant. She is tired and sick here and there. My feeling is she is having a boy. I will be surprised if it is a girl...knew Melissa was having a girl also. Just intuition.

With Mela in tow, nothing got done here in the workroom. All my energy was on her!

I have to work Monday & Tuesday. Wish I was not on Tuesday however, as Sophia opens her Santa gifts on Christmas Eve morning. I was able to be there last year, just took too many days in the summer this year with Mela's birth and Michael's visit in July. Sophia is my girl. Such a sweet, beautiful little girl.

Our ice storm was probably half of what they were predicting.There was ice on all the tree's and many a  pine tree bough broke off. It is just the beginning of the mess I will have to tend to in the spring. ugh.

I have learned:

  1. White newest binge TV viewing on Netflix. Like. Mela liked it too!
  2. Kohl's is coming to Batavia! Marshall's and Below 5 are the rumored other stores to fill in the old Lowe's store. Also a Thai food joint opening soon. mmm. 
  3. I am a Pinterest-holic. 

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