Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve......Peace

I loved this sign on a gate in Buffalo. I took this pic at the Buffalo Garden Walk this past summer. I wish PEACE were possible.
I have been very very busy these weeks of December. My daughter Melissa turned 28 on the 20th. That is such a measurement in my life! I am cresting 49, sliding into 50 in less than 3 months. I had 2 kids, my first house and a full time job for 10 years by then~! Times....
Last weekend I decided I would make my sister a crazy quilt with a pic of her and I when we were kids. She loved the one I received in February as a gift. I need to finish it up and get it into a shadowbox frame by tomorrow noon! No problem.
Michael is home from college. He made the Dean's list in spite of all the adversity's of the last 5 months. He has been talking with recruiters and the military may be an option when he graduates in May. I am supportive and would be very proud.
The Chocolate challenge for guild is due the 3rd Saturday in January. Good thing my piece is small! Machine stitching may be introduced soon!
I received a DVD set from Interweave today. I knew I hadn't ordered any of Quilting Arts cool DVDs. It was complimentary! When they called for UFOs a bit ago I sent a pic of one of my troubling pieces. They eventually had me mail it to them and it was used on an episode in the current 700 series of Quilting Arts TV!
I am watching it right now...waiting to see which episode I see my little quilt on!
Thank you Quilting Arts/Interweave!

I have learned:
  1. My friend Sandy is another year older today! She's a hot cancer spots in last scan! We had a great chatty visit this morning.
  2. Time off.....priceless!
  3. Jody + Nicki + me @ COF retreat in April = fun times!
  4. Apparently Dean the greyhound thinks I put a Christmas tree up for his convenience. 
  5. Lobster tails and muscles the Christmas dinner this year. mmmmmm.
  6. Why do we wait til now to meet up with friends when we have the whole year?
  7. Melissa's wedding is less than 10 months away!! 10-15-11.

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